“Strange Aeons: The Thing on the Doorstep” is a dark tale centered around Dan Upton, a Miskatonic University professor of primitive religions played by J.D. Lloyd, his teaching assistant Edward Derby played by Erick Robertson, and his mysterious, new student, Asenath Waite, played by Angela Grillo. The feature production is a tale of wizards, shallow graves and magic of the blackest kind around a campus whose halls have echoed for many years with the footsteps of some of society’s most vile trespassers.
“Adapting Lovecraft for the screen is a huge challenge,” admits screenwriter K.L. Young, “but I think fans will find it a faithful, if updated adaptation.” Both Morgret and Young have hinted that the Strange Aeons title may be a banner for future Lovecraft adaptations.
The project is hip-deep in post-production, and a final cut is expected by early fall 2005. Morgret said Maelstrom’s post-production sound team is currently seeking a computer effects person to finalize some of the scenes.
Maelstrom Productions has also released a DVD of is original short adaptation of “The Thing on the Doorstep,” which was an official selection of the 2003 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Ore.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Maelstrom Productions Wraps Lovecraft Feature Production
Maelstrom Productions Wraps Lovecraft Feature Production: